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Apr 01 2022

User milestones

We're excited to introduce Milestones to June.

Milestones help you track and measure critical steps in your user's journey. Unlike a funnel report, milestones give you a high-level overview of how many users reached each critical step in your product, independent of other milestones.

Milestones can be accessed directly on the Home. They can also be found on each user's profile in June, so you can quickly see how far a single user is in their journey with your product.

Capture d’écran 2022-04-03 à 20.27.28.png

(Some best practices and examples about milestones here)

Other improvements

  • You can click on a feature adoption bar chart to drill down and get a list of users
  • Funnels support both anonymous and identified users (we merged the "funnel" and "sign up conversion rate" templates to avoid confusion)
  • You can click on the acquisition cohort table of the user retention report to get a drill-down of users who returned or not after a specific number of days 8lsGC7xwk5.gif
  • We fixed a bug that caused active users and power users reports not to reload if you changed the audience filters
  • We fixed a bug where the company-level home showed data even if you did not have a group call implemented

Enzo Avigo


Ferruccio Balestreri


Sasha Marrocco


Vinayak Mehta


Adis Banda


Alice Clavel


Background grid

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June 1.0 - Instant analytics reports built on top of Segment | Product Hunt