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Jul 01 2022

Understand what your users are doing

One of the most common workflows our users have in June is to start focusing on high-level metrics and then zoom into individual users.

High-level metrics spark new questions like "Some users are retaining a lot more than others". To answer these questions charts aren't enough. You need to build intuition and zoom into individual users to get a more qualitative view of things. Often this leads to making connections that you otherwise wouldn't make.

For example, when building June we learned that there are a lot of different things that make a user successful. They're all different dimensions that you'd have trouble getting by querying data in aggregate, but they are very apparent when looking at raw data.

In our case, we have behavioral signals like connecting Segment, Slack, and inviting teammates. Followed by persona data like founders at seed-stage companies or product managers at companies that raised a Series A. Followed by interactions with us like manual user onboarding calls or help in Intercom debugging the initial tracking plan setup.

This week we worked on an incredible quality of life improvement on our single user page. You can now filter the activity by the events they performed on the individual user and company pages.

This makes it a lot easier to read through the data and even supports many customer support and success workflows.

Other improvements

  • Smoother and completely redesigned Slack connection flow and preview. You can now see how Slack digests or event notifications look like even before connecting Slack
  • Redesigned the single integrations page and made the redirects always correct
  • We now allow the value picker for event properties and user traits to display up to 25 values
  • Added a card to the Power users report showing the power users count week over week

Adis Banda


Enzo Avigo


Vinayak Mehta


Daniel Beere


Ferruccio Balestreri


Alberto Incisa della Rocchetta

Product & Growth

Alice Clavel


Background grid

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Just connect Segment, implement our SDK or use our other integrations to start understanding how your product is used

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SOC 2 Type II

SOC 2 Type II


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June 1.0 - Instant analytics reports built on top of Segment | Product Hunt

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June 1.0 - Instant analytics reports built on top of Segment | Product Hunt